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Beta ETK I-Series I4 Petrol/I6 Diesel 1.1

Have you ever wanted a 4 cyl gas or a 6 cyl diesel for your ETK I series? No? well idc, here it is

  1. RyanCookie
    Okay so basiclly a very simple mod.

    I4 1.8 Petrol and I6 3.0 Diesel engine for your ETK I-Series.

    I4 1.8 Engine has 3 intakes...

    Stock/Sport Intake

    Variable Boost Turbocharger

    Not gonna show u what the I6 looks like since it just uses the vanilla engine model ofcourse.

    This mod also works with Cesa210's ETK I-Series Expanded mod

    So yea, enjoy or not idk.

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Recent Reviews

  1. Doge_guy
    Version: 1.1
    A mod that devs really need to add to game for when ETK I gets remaster (hopefully)
  2. Haida
    Version: 1.0
    I really like this mod, but the diesel sound with turbo is obnoxios, the turbo is way too loud, you should do something about this.
    1. RyanCookie
      Author's Response
      maybe you just have set your volume too high, to me it isnt too loud, but i can take a look
  3. Wolfcreed
    Version: 1.0
    Sound is great, except diesel, that sounds like it have a turbo even in N/A config. I4 is almost perfect, it needs to rev higher than 6500 on race ECU, like 8000-9000rpm.
    1. RyanCookie
      Author's Response
      idk why the diesel sounds like that without the turbo tbh
  4. GeTeD
    Version: 1.0
  5. Fredr3x
    Version: 1.0
    Lovely mod!!
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