Rear View Camera or Top View Camera in BeamNG Navigator

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by Paperpixels, May 20, 2024.

  1. Paperpixels

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    Dec 12, 2023
    Hey BeamNG Community!

    We're trying to add a rear view camera or a top view camera to the BeamNG navigator, but we've hit some technical roadblocks. Here’s a summary of our challenges and attempts so far:

    1. Dynamic Mirrors: We tried using the new dynamic mirrors, but without success.

    2. Mirror Code: We explored the old mirror code, specifically the global function renderCameraToTexture found in renderTest.lua in the editor. However, it seems that this function is no longer available or working.

    3. Deprecated Call: We attempted to use the call veh:renderCameraToMaterial found in vehicleMirrors.lua (which is deprecated), without any results.

    4. Existing Mods: We analyzed some mods that do something similar, like the "UI Vehicle Mirrors" mod, but this works with popup views and doesn't modify in-game materials.
    We're stuck and could really use your help to figure out how to achieve this functionality. Has anyone had success with something similar or has suggestions on how to proceed? Any advice or code examples would be greatly appreciated!
    --- Post updated ---
    Maybe @angelo234? I've seen you were discussing about it here.
    --- Post updated ---
    Or maybe @DaddelZeit as seen here.
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